🎥 Robot Action Simulator


The field of embodied AI has seen substantial progress, with robots now capable of executing diverse tasks. Despite this, real robots are expensive, risky, and labor-intensive, restricting scalable learning in the real world. Simulating robot trajectories in physical simulators, though helpful, is often visually unrealistic and difficult to scale due to the effort needed to create new environments. To overcome these limitations, we propose developing a highly realistic and interactive real-robot action simulator. This simulator can emulate robot trajectories with high accuracy and visual fidelity, enabling scalable learning without safety concerns or maintenance requirements.


In this project, we introduce IRASim, an innovative method that generates highly realistic videos of robots performing action trajectories from an initial frame.

  1. Novel Method: We propose a novel method, IRASim, capable of generating high-resolution and long-horizon videos for the trajectory-to-video task. It achieves precise alignments between actions and video frames and accurately adheres to physical laws.

  2. New Benchmark: We introduce the IRASim Benchmark, a new benchmark based on three real-robot datasets for the trajectory-to-video task. We aim to drive progress in generative real-robot action simulators.

  3. Comprehensive Evaluation: We perform extensive experiments on the proposed benchmark to demonstrate the performance of IRASim. Results show that our method can produce accurate videos that are almost visually indistinguishable from the real world.


IRASim transforms robot learning by providing a safer, faster, and more efficient framework for evaluating robot trajectories. It accurately simulates complex robot-object interactions, facilitating significant advancements in real-world robot learning and manipulation tasks. IRASim has the potential to revolutionize various robotics applications, from industrial automation to assistive robotics, driving the development of intelligent and autonomous robots globally.

Content in this demo

Project Website: https://gen-irasim.github.io/

Video: Generative Real-Robot Action Simulator Demo